MRCP Part 1 Online Course
The online interactive training course empowers you to learn from experts and others in real time,developing your knowledge of the curriculum and boosting confidence for the exam.
The online course is designed for candidates intending to sit for the MRCP Part 1 exam , and includes Live Lectures , Concise Course Materials and Mock Tests.
Why attend
1.Get complete Knowledge on the key topics of the MRCP Part 1 Syllabus
2.Practise a large number of typical exam questions
3. Get trained by experienced lecturers with tailored to candidates’ needs
Course Details
The Course is designed for candidates planning to sit the Part 1 MRCP examination and includes detailed advice on the exam preparation and a detailed comprehensive coverage of the Part 1 MRCP syllabus and practice SBA sessions. You will also have the opportunity to do mock tests during the course.
Learning Objectives
During the course you will
- Become familiar with the Part 1 MRCP syllabus and exam structure
- Study the key topics of the Part 1 MRCP syllabus
- Practice a large number of typical exam questions
- Become confident with the various types and formats of the exam questions
- Listen to experienced lecturers with talks specifically tailored to address the exam syllabus
- Gain extensive exposure to typical exam questions
- Insight to focus and direct your preparation for the exam
Who should attend
Candidates who are planning to sit the Part 1 MRCP exam
To enrol and for further details kindly call/Whatsapp on +91- 8861711527 +91-9007055603